Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Blast from the past 1: Dubai Airport

These taken at two of the kazillion gates at the Dubai International Airport. When anyone tells you that Dubai has the nicest airport, believe them. Well, it's been years (before last year) since I last saw an international airport, so I really wouldn't know what the other airports look like. Anyway, since I took the cheapest of all cheap-ass flights, we were at the airport at the oddest time.

Handy dandy travelling tip #1: I am NOT a believer of tourgroups (I think packaged tour groups are for the rich and lazy), so I believe that you can experience Europe the cheaper way. Handy dandy tip #1 is that you should always choose the cheapest flights, unless you have a bazillion miles on your (or your parents') mileage. The cheapest airlines are those from the middle east (Emirates, Qatar, etc) -- this will save you around $100. And, it's ideal to travel on a budget while one is young, so as to not suffer from any physical ailments when one's ass is numbing from sitting in coach for at least 20 hours.

Besides, airplanes have catered to the ADD (Attention-Deficiency-Disorder) market, or for those who get bored
easily. There are individual screens on the seats at economy class. Since most of the young ones are tv junkies, this wouldn't be a problem. In fairness, they also have good movies. This is where a first saw Dot The I, a great movie by Gael Garcia Bernal.

Anyway, back to the airport. The first picture is a picture of a gold palm tree. Exagg noh? Now, I'm not sure if it's real gold, but when my mom told me I should watch out for golden trees inside the airport, I didn't expect to find this. Ano naman ang purpose nila sa golden tree diba? Answering questions you might have, no, I did not attempt to touch it. Coming out of the flight half awake and well, sabog (for lack of a better term), touching the tree would ice the cake of looking like a druggie and getting arrested. So no, for my own protection, I did not touch the tree.

All this flying makes me curious on my upcoming trip. I wonder which airlines we'll choose. Ooh is there a chance we get upgraded to Business class? Haha dream on.


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