Monday, April 17, 2006

Handy Dandy Tip #2: Planning (in detail)

I should've put this under Handy Dandy Tip #1, but I forgot, so I've decided to let all OCness go and let this be. Well, anyway, "backpacking" is a really memorable experience, from preparing to coming home. What's important is everything should be planned. Well, not up to the nitty gritty, like ETDs and ETAs, but at least to the areas where you're going and around when you're going. Unless you're flying, then you should really plan all the details. (Please refer to the bottom part of this entry to find out other handy dandy tips.)

It's ideal for a traveler to have relatives or friends in all parts of the world, for the simple reason that with relatives or friends come an extra bed, some free food, and a "local" who knows where one should go. Taking advantage is too strong a word, because more often than not, these kind and helpful people will be more than willing to host you. I'm sure you'd do the same if they came to our little third world country.

It was fortunate for me to know people in the right places, who, not only shared their homes, but their time and food as well. It was only there I literally felt the cliche mi casa es su casa. But, if one is not as fortunate as me, one can always go to hostels (most hostels range from 15 - 30 euros/night, depending of course on the season). If one does not have the budget, or is bolder or braver than the average, there is a network of couch-lenders who have, well, couches to spare. Check out Couch Surfing or Hospitality Club. I am hoping that everyone in the network's trustworthy (aka NOT PERVERTS), and since my experience in Europe was more than pleasant, (doi, nagboblog nga ako e), my trust level for them is high. Unfortunately (or fortunately) for me, and to preserve my parents' sanity, I did not experience the whole couch-sleeping experience.

Anyway, that's it' for now. For those who read my blog, and for those who will plan to try out Couch Surfing or Hospitality Club, please, please, please let me know how it goes. I'd love to hear from you! Email me!


Blogger Larla said...

and you have us whenever you feel like going down under! you have a home with us anytime! mwah! bimmk.

8:31 pm  
Blogger Isaaaaaa said...

Thanks Larla! I'm saving up for my trip down under! (Raf, punta tayo ha!)

7:17 pm  

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