Thursday, May 04, 2006

My two new best friends

I ran the last bit of my errands this evening (aka shopping) and I discovered two new best friends. To those who don't know me, my stomach and bowel movement have an intense love-hate relationship with the toilet, which, according to Raf is because I was not potty-trained properly when I was growing up. Anyway, everyone I know knows how mucked up (again, change the m to f) my stomach can get. Wait, I'm getting off track...

While buying my must-haves for the trip, I discovered my two new best friends: 1: Freshening Professional FLUSHABLE Toilet Seat Cleaner (sold at PCX) and 2: Plush BIODEGRADABLE Hygienic Toilet Seat Cover (sold at Watsons). Isn't technology amazing?!?!?? I got so excited when I saw these. I love them, I love them, I love them!!!!

For the future travellers out there, I highly recommend you buy a few packs of these for your trips. These come in handy-dandy travel-size packs and boxes, so they're practically weightless and easy-to-carry. The toilet wipes are individually packed, so you can remove them from its box and put them anywhere. So actually, these are really great for everyday use. Well, you never know when you'll have to go...


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